Jennifer Funk Fine Art

Operation Serve To Heal

What's this all about?

May 1st 2008 was the day we lost Brad.  Every year, the weeks leading up to May 1st are just really difficult.  I can feel it sneaking up when spring starts to come.  I can’t stop my mind from revisiting every last experience we had with Brad. It’s emotionally exhausting. I had not been able to figure out a way around it; everything we lost being counted down again, year after year.  A few years ago we decided to try to take back this day. To reclaim it. That is how Operation Serve to Heal was born.  We would like to invite you to join us in our service initiative.

Operation Serve to Heal will be a little different this year because of the pandemic caused by Covid-19.

But not THAT different.

I’m betting that this year serving those around us will be appreciated more than any other year. 

Service is Powerful

This normally very difficult day has been transformed into one that has deep meaning for us and helps us feel closer to Brad. This discovery of how powerful and healing simple service can be has been a little miracle for our family.

Operation Serve to heal has an extremely simple premise:

Serve someone else in honor of someone you love. 


Want to join in?   Just follow these steps
1. Look around.
2. Do something nice for someone else.
3. Feel amazing
4. Repeat
That’s it. So simple. But, it can also be so profound. It doesn’t need to be fancy, organized or grand. 

It can be as simple as service in your own family. 
We’ve learned that #serviceispowerful

We would love to connect with you!

Tag @operationservetoheal on Instagram.   

Use #operationservetoheal

{We might be slightly biased, but that hashtag is one of the happiest, most meaningful hashtags around. Check it out. It will make your day.} 

This Year, because of the pandemic, we won’t be having our usual BAKE SALE.   

We hope you will still join us in spreading something sweet… just in a little different way 

(and when this is all over, we will plan another day to get you a yummy cupcake

Operation serve to heal

Greeting Card Sale

100% of the proceeds of every GREETING CARD sold in the month of May will be donated to CREATE HOPE FOUNDATION.  

Regular price for cards is $3,50 each.  

This month you can snag them for $2.50 each!!! 

Great deal, great cause, and right now everyone could sure use some happiness delivered to their mailbox.

Just enter the code servelikebrad at checkout

Jen Funk Cards

OPeration serve to heal

Hand Stamped Leather Cuffs

These little beauties are one of my favorite ways to carry powerful words around with me.  You  choose the leather, metal and words for your cuff.

These make perfect gifts. 

100% of the proceeds of every cuff sold in the month of May will go toward CREATE HOPE FOUNDATION. 

Fill out  your order form HERE.